Cross of Calatrava

Would you like to be the next Reeve?

Hello Calontir!

I have been your Reeve for over a year now, and we have worked together to schedule many wonderful events! I will be starting the search early for my successor, to ensure a smooth transition for the next Reeve. If you are an organized individual, who checks your email daily, you would be an ideal fit for this Deputy Kingdom position to our Kingdom Seneschal. Do you embrace technology and the ease it brings us; this job is for you. If you’re a spreadsheet guru, please apply, I’m begging you.

All jokes aside, part of the reason I’m starting this search early is to offer training for my successor on all aspects of this position, so that they feel comfortable and confident to take over the job fully by January 2026. If you would like to apply, please submit your letter of intent by April 30, 2025, to myself, and to the Kingdom Seneschal,

As always, if you have any questions, feel free to email or message me on Facebook.

Jorunna Refsdottir
