Cross of Calatrava

Armored Combat

Allison of Forgotten Sea
Armored Combat Marshal


CALON Marshal Login
CALON Login Instructions

Group Knight’s Marshals
Reporting Due Dates
1st Quarter: April 15th
2nd Quarter: July 15th
3rd Quarter: October 15th
4th Quarter: January 15th

SCA Armored Combat is a full-contact, medieval-style martial art where participants recreate historical battles and tournaments using armor and weapons inspired by the Middle Ages. Fighters wear protective gear modeled after historical designs and engage in combat with rattan weapons that replicate swords, axes, and other medieval arms.

The Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA) organizes these events, prioritizing safety while preserving the authenticity and spirit of medieval combat. Fighters develop strength, strategy, and skill, engaging in individual tournaments or large-scale melee battles, all within a community dedicated to learning and celebrating historical traditions.

Armored Combat Announcements

Join our Email Announcement List

Marshal Resources

Calontir Armored Combat Handbook (Updated December 2024)
Calontir Armored Combat Marshal Reporting Guidelines (Updated December 2024)
Calontir Armored Combat Traditions Handbook (Updated December 2024)
Calontir Combat Archery Authorization Process (Updated January 2025)
SCA Combat Rules
Society Armored Combat Page
War Council

For Marshals

Marshal’s Agreement to Serve
Combat Authorization Form
Armored Combat MIT Authorization Form
Waiver form for practices
Event Report Form
Marshal’s Incident Report Form
Calontir Tournament List Trees
Round Robin Tournament List Trees

For Minors

Parents Consent for SCA Combat
Combined Minor’s Combat Activity Waiver and Medical Authorization Waiver (needs notarization)