Good afternoon!
As we are rapidly approaching the holidays and new year. A reminder to groups that due to the new policies of Reeve and Chronicler, if you’re wanting to host an event in say March, your paperwork and fliers are due by January 1st. If your group hosts a traditional event in April and May, now is the time to get on that planning. Your paperwork and fliers will be due February and March 1st, respectively! If you’re concerned about dates for an event, email me. I have a lot of open dates at the moment, but that is going to change very quickly. If you’re wanting to host Kingdom A&S or CalonCon those bids are due by February 1st. CalonCon in June, will be in person.
And a final reminder, ALL official bids MUST be submitted by your group seneschal/chair person utilizing the official seneschal/chair person email of your group/guild. As always, email me if you have any questions.
Jorunna Refsdottir