Cross of Calatrava for Pride

Postponement of Clothier’s Seminar and Queen’s Prize Tournament…

Given the recent, precipitous, increase in the spread of COVID-19 within the borders of Calontir, Their Majesties, the Great Officers of the kingdom, and Event Stewards for all upcoming events have been in discussions about whether or not to hold them. It is not our intention to cancel any events outright if we can avoid doing so. The decision has been made to postpone Clothier's Seminar and Queen's Prize Tournament to a later date. The Event Stewards will work with the Kingdom Reeve to identify new dates for these events, and communicate that out to the populace once they are identified. No decision has yet been reached regarding the remaining events in February, but we will be meeting again in a couple of weeks when more data is available to make that decision. If you have any questions, please email me at
In Service,