Greetings Calontir, We have decided to give an extension for letters of intent for the Kingdom Reeve position to August 20th. If you are interested or have any questions before sending in a letter, please do not hesitate to ask. All letters of intent should be sent to and It is a great honor to serve […]
Crown Tournament and Coronation
As we begin to return to some semblance of normalcy We towards our duty to secure heirs who would see to our Kingdom’s future. Please weigh this responsibility carefully. Serving the kingdom in this position can be both great work and great joy. We call all members of our populace wishing to do so to […]
CalonCon 2021 – Saturday, June 26
From the Kingdom Seneschal: CalonCon 2021 is coming up Saturday, 26 June, 2021. By popular demand, it will remain a virtual event going forward. The flyer for this year’s event has been posted to the webpage, and will be updated with session links leading up to the event itself. Check back periodically for current details… […]
On the Return to Combat Activities
The below are some touch points and action items I would like you all to take note of and do as we begin fighting again. Masks MUST be worn at ALL TIMES. This is from Society. We have NO Wiggle Room on this. It may be an inconvenience, but if the fighter can’t get a […]
From the King and Queen:
Stalwarts of Calontir, Her Majesty and I want to thank you again for your stoic patience, and the steadfast care you have shown one another. Because of that patience and care we can now deliver some wonderful news.We are happy to announce that as of April 15th 2021 we may begin local meetings, once again, […]
New Reeve Needed
Good day Calontir. My time as reeve grows short. As such, I am in need of a replacement to serve our Kingdom. If you are interested, please send an email to our seneschal at Deadline for interest is June 30, 2021. Thank you all that have tirelessly made events happen and for your unquestionable dedication. […]
A message from Their Majesties
As Calontir moves into the colder months, we would usually be looking ahead to meetings and fighter practices in our indoor sites. Unfortunately, We see no significant downturn in the numbers of illnesses, and more evidence of how the virus can be spread inside through both closer proximity and heating and cooling systems. In light […]
From the Webminister
Greetings Calontir, One of my main goals for my term as Kingdom webminister is to simplify our online presence so we can spend more time focusing on the middle ages, not the information age. As part of this, I am hoping to reduce some of the volunteer burden of maintaining local group webpages and to […]
Social Media Officer Needed
Dear Calontir,The end of my prescribed tenure as Kingdom Social Media Officer is drawing near, and I seek a successor. If you would be willing and able to carry this warrant for the Kingdom, please drop me a line and ask any questions you may have about the job. You can email or contact […]
Virtual A&S Classes
While we’re missing our favorite events this year, we don’t need to miss out on A&S opportunities. Many of our fellow Calontiri are hosting classes on a wide variety of arts and sciences virtually! To see the schedule of virtual A&S classes, or to submit your own class, please head to this page: […]