Unto the Order of Chivalry of Calontir If you are planning to attend Chieftains, please meet with Us during the afternoon. Thank you Queen Magdalena and King Hirsch Peace. Love. Calontir. […]
Amendment to Current Rules for Calontir Event Attendance (as of February 2022)
After considering additional guidance from the CDC we are amending one item Everyone 24 months of age and older must mask indoors, regardless of vaccination status. N95, KN95, or KF94 masks are to be worn indoors, for all activities including fighting, both armored and steel. The remaining rules stand unchanged, and are in addition to […]
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Vigil and Laurel Elevation at Chieftains
Unto All The Peers, Nobles, and People of Calontir and the Known World Queen Magdalena and King Hirsch will be placing Duchess Ashland de Mumford on Vigil and elevating her to the Order of the Laurel in evening court. Any questions regarding the ceremony may be directed to Mistress Ishmala. The vigil will begin at […]
Current Rules for Calontir Event Attendance (as of February 2022)
Current Rules for Calontir Event Attendance (as of February 2022) • These rules apply to both events and local meetings, practices, and gatherings. • These rules are in addition to, not in place of, the Society level rules from the BoD. • These rules are the MINIMUM requirements, and local group leadership may enact more […]
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Proposed Schedule Change to Kingdom Calendar
Good evening Calontir. Word may have come that We are considering changing the schedule for Calontir’s Royal Events. These are not baseless rumour, but true facts. Why make such a change, you ask? The primary reason for this calendar change is to give Heirs the opportunity to attend foreign wars, specifically Gulf Wars and Pennsic. […]
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Greetings to the Good People of Calontir
It is too soon for great optimism, but we are cautiously optimistic. Two weeks ago, in consultation with Our Witan and event stewards, we postponed events in the first half of February. We appreciate all of the effort and input that went into that difficult decision, as well as the work preparing for these events. […]
Sign the Gulf Wars Muster!
Calontir, the drums of Gulf Wars are sounding! The time is coming to march to battle, ply our crafts, loose our arrows, and mount our horses! Soon, we shall gather in long-awaited companionship under the Royal Pavilion to raise our voices in merry song and share cups of hot broth! Will you join us? Stories […]
Postponement of Clothier’s Seminar and Queen’s Prize Tournament…
Given the recent, precipitous, increase in the spread of COVID-19 within the borders of Calontir, Their Majesties, the Great Officers of the kingdom, and Event Stewards for all upcoming events have been in discussions about whether or not to hold them. It is not our intention to cancel any events outright if we can avoid […]
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Google Meet access for Virtual Meetings
Greetings Calontir, Once again, many of our groups are moving meetings and activities online due to the current omicron surge, so I would like to take this opportunity to remind all of our kingdom officers – and many local group officers – that the Google accounts that are provided by the kingdom include a wide […]
Coronation Announcement
Calontir,We have been in consultation with Their Highnesses, Hirsch and Magda, and Our Seneschal, Galen, to discuss additional ways to reduce risk at the upcoming Coronation and wanted to share the conclusions to those conversations with all of you. To help mitigate the risks of the Pandemic, we have jointly agreed to put the following […]