Cross of Calatrava for Pride

June Newcomers Virtual Class,@hearladry in the SCA@


Below you will find the information to join our June @Getting Started@ virtual class designed to introduce people to @Heraldry in the SCA@. 
All are welcome, whether you are a newcomer or just interested in learning more or helping guide our newcomers on their journeys in the SCA and Calontir. 
As always, after the class is over, we will have a round table discussion touching base on any questions anyone may have on any topic  within the SCA. The more the merrier and I hope to see you there!
Class Joining Information:
Heraldry in the SCA
Tuesday, June 25 · 7:00 – 9:00pm
Time zone: America/Chicago
Google Meet joining info
Video call link:
Or dial: ‪(US) +1 478-449-4099‬ PIN: ‪660 442 854‬#
More phone numbers:
In Service to Crown, Kingdom, and the Dream,
Ottar Surtrson
Chatelaine, Kingdom of Calontir