Cross of Calatrava for Pride

The Calontir Herald’s Companion: Supplement to the Handbook

The goal of both the Handbook and the Companion is to de-mystify heraldry in Calontir, and make it easily accessible to new heralds, new-to-Calontir heralds, heralds suddenly called upon to do heraldic jobs they don’t usually do, and interested people who don’t realize they want to be heralds yet.

The Handbook, itself, is meant to be a complete, self-contained guide so that a herald can attempt almost any heraldic task with reasonable confidence that they won’t mess up too badly if they follow the Handbook.

The articles in this Companion to the Handbook (mostly gleaned from the old Handbook) provide more detailed information for those who want to dig deeper – from additional ways to introduce fighters, extra vocal exercises, finer points of name documentation and handy handouts on tricky armorial topics. The articles also give different points of view about how to do some jobs, for example in field heraldry, where there are articles by different heralds with different philosophies about heralding tourneys – because there isn’t “one true way”.


General Heraldry

Herald’s Attire by Modar Neznanich, Jadwiga Marina Majewska & Briana Etain MacKorkhill
Heraldic Titles by Modar Neznanich
So You Want to Have a Heraldic Symposium by Briana Etain MacKorkhill

Voice Heraldry

Vocal Heraldry Overview by Modar Neznanich, Jadwiga Marina Majewska & Briana Etain MacKorkhill
Event (Announcement) Heraldry by Modar Neznanich & Roberto Carlos Dominguez

Field Heraldry by Modar Neznanich, Jadwiga Marina Majewska & Briana Etain MacKorkhill
How to Be Heard and Understood or Projection 101 for Field Heralds by Lyriel de la Foret
Tournament Heraldry 102 by Lyriel de la Foret
Calontir Field Heraldry by Christopher Amber
How to Herald a Tournament by Johann Steinarsson (external link)

Processionals by Modar Neznanich, Jadwiga Marina Majewska & Briana Etain MacKorkhill
On Being White Hawk by Ermenrich von Duisburg

Book Heraldry

Running a Consulting Table Supplies and Set-up from the 3rd Edition Handbook
Consulting with a Heraldic Client by Modar Neznanich & Briana Etain MacKorkhill
Choosing a Name & Creating a Persona by Modar Neznanich
How to Document a Name (to within an inch of its life) by Tangwystyl verch Morgant Glasvryn
Non-ASCII Symbols in the SCA Armorial Database aka Da’ud Notation, by Iulstan Sigewealding

Creating a Heraldic Device by Modar Neznanich
Examples of Furs by Gotfrid von Schwaben
Engrailed vs Invected by Modar Neznanich
Embattled vs Bretessed vs Embattled-Counter-Embattled by Modar Neznanich
Examples of Some Triangular Divisions & Charges by Modar Neznanich
Marshalling in Heraldry by Modar Neznanich

Why Register? by Modar Neznanich, Jadwiga Marina Majewska & Briana Etain MacKorkhill
A Look at the Submission Process by Modar Neznanich
For Submitters: Heraldic Hints for Submissions by Modar Neznanich
Blanket Permission to Conflict by Modar Neznanich & Briana Etain MacKorkhill
Heraldic Wills by Modar Neznanich & Briana Etain MacKorkhill
A Saker Herald Office Manual by Ines Alfón (short version)
* Saker Herald Handbook edited by Gottfrid von Schwaben (long version)

Basic Conflict Checking by Modar Neznanich
The Art of Effective Commentary by Alison MacDermot
“But I don’t have any books!” Commenting without Sources by Juliana de Luna (external link).


Use and Display of Branch (Group) Arms by Modar Neznanich
General Protocol and Etiquette by Modar Neznanich
Interacting with Royalty by Modar Neznanich
On the Giving of Favors & Tokens by Modar Neznanich
Uses for Heraldry by Modar Neznanich
Collars of Estate by Modar Neznanich, Jadwiga Marina Majewska & Briana Etain MacKorkhill
Use of Ermine Spots and Ermine Fur by Modar Neznanich, Jadwiga Marina Majewska & Briana Etain MacKorkhill
Augmentations of Arms by Modar Neznanich, Jadwiga Marina Majewska & Briana Etain MacKorkhill

Awards of Calontir by Modar Neznanich
Award Recs: What They Are, Why They Are Done and How To Do Them by Modar Neznanich
How to Create an Order of Precedence by Modar Neznanich

Sign Heraldry

So You Want to Become a Silent Herald? by Suzanne de la Ferté
Silent Heraldry: Lesson 1: Introduction (update in progress) by Suzanne de la Ferté
Silent Heraldry: Lesson 2: Basics (update in progress) by Suzanne de la Ferté
Pennsic Silent Heraldry by Cedar Owings aka Ariane Desiree des Cedres, called Cedar
Fighter Signs by Suzanne de la Ferté
Six Things to Know About Silent Heraldry for Those Holding Court by Alexandra Vazquez de Granada

Misconceptions, Myths and Definitions

Frequently given Answers (That Are Wrong) by Gawain of Miskbridge
Heraldic Myths: Clearing Up Misconceptions… by Modar Neznanich
Heraldic Terms from the 3rd Edition Handbook


This is the Supplement to Calontir Herald’s Handbook, a publication of the Calontir College of Heralds of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. presented for informational purposes. It is not a corporate publication of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc., and does not delineate SCA corporate policies.

© 2016 Calontir College of Heralds, Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. The original contributors retain the copyright of their articles, used by permission.