Gulf is nigh. With that, a few things to be aware of.
1, I am unable to make it this year. Thus, my on site deputy is HL Kennocht. He will be running point in inspections. Please be nice to him, we are very grateful for his help.
2, I am allowing a one time, gulf specific variance for rubber band guns. If you have one, you are welcome to bring it.
3, There are some small but relevant kingdom rules updates. Notably, you will notice that the text for armor standards has changed. You are no longer expected to armor to the Calontiri C&T standards for armor in rapier. This specifically means, for rapier battles, you can expose arms/legs, you no longer need padded protection on hands/elbows, and you do not need a back of the head protector. Take a look, and let me know if you have any questions.
Please take this time before war to go over your gear, make sure everything is in working order, and make sure you have access to your fighter cards. Print them out before you leave, you may be asked to show it at some point onsite, and it would suck to wait til the last minute and not be able to do it after all.
Stay safe, stab well, and enjoy Gulf War!
-Hero, KRM