Cross of Calatrava for Pride

Crown Tournament – Letters of Intent

Unto the good people of Calontir

Do Queen Magdalena and King Hirsch send these words
Good people of Calontir, you inspire Us.
One of the main responsibilities of the Crown is that of finding Heirs, so that the honored traditions of Calontir can continue, and continue to be fun. Leading Calontir is a tremendous honor – and an experience without compare.
Look around you – we are surrounded by nobility, we encourage it in one another.
Look within – you have grown, you continue to grow and learn.
Converse with others – discuss what it means to compete in Crown Tournament.
If you are a member in good standing, and meet the requirements in Kingdom Law, and are inspired, then take pen in hand.
Tell us who you are, and why you're inspired to enter Crown Tournament, as Combatant or Consort.
Tell us what events you've attended since June of 2021.
And tell us something of what you chose to do with your time, before that, when there were no events to attend.
Please communicate your intent to us, at, and to Our Seneschal Galen, at
Letters of intent are due by midnight on Saturday March 26th.
We know that there are many who are capable of leading this kingdom well.
We look forward to reading your letters.
We remain proud to be your
King Hirsch and Queen Magdalena

Peace. Love. Calontir.