Cross of Calatrava for Pride

Baronial Candidates for Mag Mor

Unto the people of the Barony of Mag Mor comes these words from your King and Queen Just two days ago, at Queen’s Mayhem, Baroness Gyða glóra and Baron Vilhjálmr Hálftroll requested the opportunity to take their ease, and retire from their duties.  With no small sadness in our hearts, We accepted this request. It […]

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Official Announcement Email List

Greetings Calontir, I'd like to take this opportunity to remind the kingdom that we have created an email list for official announcements. Ultimately we would like to make it easier for our members to get information from a single, central source without relying on social media (This list is also the source for the Announcements […]

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Virtual Court – Kingdom Law Change

Greetings Calontir! We will be having the recent changes to Kingdom Law read in Court, this coming Thursday May 12th at 7:30pm. This Court will be virtual, information on joining is below. Thank you Queen Magdalena and King Hirsch Meeting number (access code): 2559 017 8785 Meeting password: YCmKABca345 (92652222 from phones and video […]

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Tournament of Valor Melees

Unto the Fighters of All Stripes of Calontir Come these greetings from His Royal Highness Logan My brothers and sisters, it has come to Our attention that Their Serene Highnesses of Vindheim intend to bless Us with Their presence at Valor Tournament at the end of this month. They wish to honor Us so much that […]

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Vigil and Pelican elevation, Rose Ceremony, Chivalry meeting at Crown Tournament

Greetings Calontir, and All Peers and Nobles of the Known World King Hirsch and Queen Magdalena will be placing Baron Galen MacColmain on vigil at 9:30, and elevating him to the Order of the Pelican in evening court. Please direct any questions to Duchesse Issabell, as she has announced previously. Domina Tamar's Rose Ceremony will […]

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Baronial Investiture – Three Rivers

Unto the wonderful people of Calontir and Three Rivers Come these words from the Crown We're pleased to announce the investiture of Honorable Lord Giacomo dalla Fattoria dello Stato and Lady Nadya Helming as the next Baron and Baroness of Three Rivers, which will take place at Crown Tournament.  We are deeply grateful for the […]

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Requesting Letters for a Minister of Arts & Sciences Replacement

Unto All, Greetings! My time as Kingdom Minister of Arts and Sciences is coming to an close. With a light at the end of the COVID tunnel, I would request a Letter of Intent (LoI) for any who would like to step into the position. Please include in your letter any officer, Autocrat, or other […]

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