Cross of Calatrava for Pride

Reminder: Gold Falcon and Good Hand Herald Letters Due 12/02

A quick reminder that Letters of Intent for Gold Falcon Herald and Good Hand Herald are due Friday, December 2nd.  Gold Falcon is the Principle Herald in charge of promoting heraldry and coordinating heralds. Good Hand Herald is the Sign Herald for Calontir.  You do not have to be an expert interpreter or have tons […]

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Crown Tournament List

This is the list of combattants and their consorts for Our Crown Tournament. This is a wonderful group of people willing and able to serve and lead Calontir. Our thanks to all of them for taking this on. — TRM Logan & Ylva — Count Agamemnon Platylithodae fighting for Mistress Marie le Faivre Honorable Lord Jon […]

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Seeking Volunteers for Kingdom Silent Herald

Greetings good gentles! Are you passionate about keeping the lines of communication open?  Do you want to make our events accessible to Newcomers and existing members with hearing issues?  Here's an opportunity for you!  We are looking for someone to step up as the next Kingdom Silent Herald. You don't need to be a certified […]

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Additional Crown Tournament Information

We have come to realize that some details about Our Crown Tournament are not widely known, and We think it is important for all those attending the tournament to know them. There is a tradition in Calontir that a fighter must be able to span their shield. This means they must be able to grip […]

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Updated Upcoming Order Meetings

The following meetings will be held at the meetings listed below. Toys for Tots – Iren Hirth, Stile Hirth, & Masters of Defense Crown – Chivalry, Witan, Eo Fyrd, & Eo Hirth Kris Kinder – Laurel, Pelican, Cross Winter War Maneuvers – Stile fyrd, Stile Hirth, Iren Fyrd, & Iren Hirth Please plan accordingly.  Don’t […]

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Crown Tournament

Greeting to the Outstanding Populace of Calontir Our Crown Tournament approaches on December 3rd in Our Shire-March of Grimfells. We will accept letters of intent to contest in Our Crown Lists until the end of Toys for Tots on November 19th.  Please make yourself familiar with Kingdom Law, specifically Article VI. We will expect the […]

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CALON Management System

Attention all authorized fighters and marshals: After many months of work, we are pleased to announce the initial launch of a new system, the Calontir Online (CALON) Management System, for accessing authorization cards and for filing marshal’s reports. This system is linked to the online Order of Precedence, Armorial, and officer listings – and will […]

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