Cross of Calatrava for Pride

Greetings to the Good People of Calontir

It is too soon for great optimism, but we are cautiously optimistic. Two weeks ago, in consultation with Our Witan and event stewards, we postponed events in the first half of February. We appreciate all of the effort and input that went into that difficult decision, as well as the work preparing for these events. […]

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Sign the Gulf Wars Muster!

Calontir, the drums of Gulf Wars are sounding! The time is coming to march to battle, ply our crafts, loose our arrows, and mount our horses!  Soon, we shall gather in long-awaited companionship under the Royal Pavilion to raise our voices in merry song and share cups of hot broth! Will you join us?  Stories […]

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Postponement of Clothier’s Seminar and Queen’s Prize Tournament…

Given the recent, precipitous, increase in the spread of COVID-19 within the borders of Calontir, Their Majesties, the Great Officers of the kingdom, and Event Stewards for all upcoming events have been in discussions about whether or not to hold them. It is not our intention to cancel any events outright if we can avoid […]

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Google Meet access for Virtual Meetings

Greetings Calontir, Once again, many of our groups are moving meetings and activities online due to the current omicron surge, so I would like to take this opportunity to remind all of our kingdom officers – and many local group officers – that the Google accounts that are provided by the kingdom include a wide […]

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Coronation Announcement

Calontir,We have been in consultation with Their Highnesses, Hirsch and Magda, and Our Seneschal, Galen, to discuss additional ways to reduce risk at the upcoming Coronation and wanted to share the conclusions to those conversations with all of you. To help mitigate the risks of the Pandemic, we have jointly agreed to put the following […]

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A Call for Artisans!

Greetings unto the Artisans of the Knowne World!Their Excellencies of Three Rivers ask you to turn your talents to the creation of Coronets worthy of our Barony. Their Excellencies call forth any interested artisans or teams of artisans, combining their various Skills and Talents, to present a bid based on the following specifications.Design: A distinct, […]

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DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) Brunch At Kris Kinder…

Greetings Calontir! The Kingdom Seneschal's office will be hosting a DEI (Diversity Equity & Inclusion) brunch at 11:00 in the morning at Kris Kinder. In addition to enjoying snacky breakfast and lunch type food items, we will be discussing topics relating to DEI in Calontir. As the name implies, this brunch is open to everyone […]

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Calontir COVIDSafe Policy Implementation…

Thank you all for your continued patience as we have worked through the details of the COVIDSafe policy implementation here in Calontir. The details have now been approved, and will be published shortly on the Calontir COVIDSafe page. We have set November 15th as the date for implementation of the policy. Next week, I will […]

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