Cross of Calatrava for Pride

Version 6 of Kingdom Arts and Sciences Schedule

Version 6 of the Entrant and Judges Schedules. Entrant Schedule v6   Judges Schedule v6 Ysabel de la OyaArts & Sciences Master Scheduler  […]

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Kingdom Arts and Sciences Schedule Version 5

Version 5 of the Entrant and Judges Schedules. Entrant Schedule v5   Judges Schedule v5 Ysabel de la OyaArts & Sciences Master Scheduler  […]

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Kingdom Arts & Sciences Schedule v4

Version 4 of the Entrant and Judges Schedules. Entrant Schedule v4   Judges Schedule v4 Ysabel de la OyaArts & Sciences Master Scheduler  […]

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Kingdom Arts and Sciences Version 3

Version 3 of the Entrant and Judges Schedules. Entrant Schedule v3  Judges Schedule v3 Ysabel de la OyaArts & Sciences Master Scheduler  […]

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Queen’s Prize bids needed!

Buongiorno, While many of us are currently focused on Kingdom Arts & Sciences it's also a great time to think about Queen's Prize Tournament. While many of us would love to know the when and where of the event we can't know until we receive an approved bid. This also means that the event cannot be added to […]

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Version Two of the Entrant and Judging Schedules.

Entrant Schedule v2 Judges Schedule v2 Ysabel de la OyaArts & Sciences Master Scheduler  […]

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Kingdom Arts and Sciences Schedules v1

Greetings. The entrant/judging schedules for Kingdom Arts and Sciences are now live. Entrant Schedule v1 Judges Schedule v1 Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. I can be reached at Ysabel de la OyaArts & Sciences Master Scheduler  […]

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