Cross of Calatrava for Pride

Gulf Wars war point schedule – survey

Calontir, If you are interested in giving feedback for the Gulf Wars war point schedule please fill out the survey from the message below. Good cousins,  As indicated earlier, the incoming royalty of the Gulf Wars Treaty Kingdoms have prepared a (relatively short) survey regarding war point scheduling for Gulf Wars.  If you, or your […]

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Upcoming Peer Elevations

Calontir as requested below is a list of upcoming elevations happening during the reign of their Royal Majesties Robert and Magge. Christopher Attrox              –   Vertigo Emma Ness                       –   Chillies Grimmbrand Hundeman    –   March Warden Melchor Eichmann      […]

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September Newcomers virtual class

Greetings Calontir! I am pleased to announce our next class in our “getting Started” series of virtual classes.  On September 1, 2024, our very own Kingdom Seneschall will be teaching us what the different offices are, and what they do! This will be a valuable class for anyone interested in either becoming an officer some day […]

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Chillies Royal Peer Roundtable Discussion

Hello Calontir. Have you ever had any interest in being Crown of Calontir, or are you just curious about what all goes on behind the scenes? Well here is your chance to hear from former royals about their impression of what it takes. At the upcoming Chillies event in October, there will be a roundtable discussion […]

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Kingdom Arts & Sciences Entries Now Open

Greetings from your Arts & Sciences Master Scheduler.  The Entry period for Kingdom Arts & Sciences is now open and will close at 11pm on Saturday, Sep 7, 2024.  For guidelines on Kingdom Arts and Sciences visit: To enter the Tri-Levels, Display Only, or the Championship: To sign up to Judge: If you are […]

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A&S Scheduler Deputy job posting

Our current A&S Scheduler, HL Ysabel, is looking to step down. The position is responsible for scheduling Queens Prize and Kingdom A&S entrants and judges time spots. We would like letters of intent sent to both of us, and, by Sep 7 with online interviews Sep 12. Please contact Ysabel or me with […]

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Barony of Three Rivers – Baronial Changeover

We have an upcoming baronial changeover this reign.  Their excellencies of the Barony of Three Rivers will be stepping down at the 1381 Chronicles event.  Below is the schedule for letters and commentary as well as announcements.  For the Letters of Interest please include your background in the SCA (i.e. how long you’ve played, where you […]

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New Armored Combat MIT Authorization Form

Greetings, Calontir! Here is the link for an updated version of the Armored Combat MIT Authorization Form – now with extra space for sign-offs! In service, HL Allison of Forgotten Sea Kingdom Armored Combat Marshal […]

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Coronation Updates and Info

Calontir, your autocrat team of Lelia and Uji reaching out with some updates for Coronation! 1) The Group Chronicler's meeting is now a floating meeting due to Ann's schedule. It will meet 30 minutes after the Baronage meeting. 2) The RUSH Discussion is cancelled due to illness. 3) By request of His Highness and with […]

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