Cross of Calatrava for Pride

Calendar change

We thank everyone for their thoughtful comments on the calendar change.

This is a challenging issue, when we know it is impossible to please everyone. There are those who disagree with the premise that having Heirs at foreign wars is beneficial, that the calendar is fine the way it is.  We would not be having this conversation if We believed that.  

After reviewing the comments and opinions of the people, We will be changing the Kingdom Calendar to hold Crown Tournament the first week of June and December, Coronation the first weekend of April and October. This was the most popular option, and this schedule gives Heirs both the opportunity to attend foreign wars, and sufficient time to plan for those.  The transition to this calendar that had the most support is to cancel July Coronation, and hold Coronation in October – currently scheduled as Crown Tournament. Conversations about this transition, and event bids for the new schedule have also begun.

In addition to the change of schedule for Crown Tournament and Coronation, We are recognizing Masters of the Duel as a Royal Event, for Calontir Stile. 

We are removing specific weekends in Kingdom Law for Royal Events, to increase flexibility in scheduling Royal Events. 
Masters of the Duel will be held annually 
King’s Companie of Archers will be held annually
Calon Con will be held annually, in January or February (a virtual event)
Queen’s Prize Tournament will be held annually, in April or May
Kingdom Arts and Sciences will be held annually, in October or November
This balances Queen’s Prize and Kingdom A&S between the two reigns, and schedules the Calon Con, now held virtually, during winter, the less favorable travel period.

After much consideration and conversation, we are not creating a Royal Event for Equestrian.  Our Equestrian community is strong and wise, and have given us good counsel in this regard. The current patterns for Equestrian events are functioning well,  and there is no need to disrupt this activity with a Royal Event.  

The new Kingdom Calendar can be viewed at:

Thank you one and all for sharing your opinions, and for continuing to create these current middle ages together.

King Hirsch and Queen Magdalena

Peace. Love. Calontir.