Cross of Calatrava for Pride

Arts and Sciences – Calling all champions!

Wise and skilled folk of Calontir
Queen Magdalena and King Hirsch send these words
At this coming Pennsic, there will be a War Point for Arts and Sciences. If you want to represent Calontir as a Champion for the allies, and show Our best for Our allies the Midrealm, please send an email to both and
Judging will be based on a rubric. Deadlines, rules and process for this War Point are excerpted below.
Thank you
King Hirsch and Queen Magdalena 
Peace. Love. Calontir.


Arts & Sciences Champions (3 – Points 1 non-peer/1 peer/1 allies)

Arts & Sciences General Staff

Midrealm and Allies:

East and Allies: 

Executive Summary:

Pennsic 49 (2022) A&S War Point will be a panel judged, rubric-based competition with artisans, entries and judges present. Each entrant will have 4 judges, the bottom judge’s score will be dropped and the remaining scores are averaged.  The single highest average score in each category (non-peer, peer, Allies) will receive a point, on behalf of their Army. 

Types of Entries:

  • Made objects (non-food)

  • Food & Beverage

  • Performance

  • Research

Entries must have been finished in the last four (4) years (completed no earlier than 1/1/2019) and cannot have been previously entered in a Pennsic Arts and Sciences Championship.

Reproduction artifacts for entry must be documented in construction and design to a pre-1600 style. Research thesis must relate to a pre-1600 topic, or to a topic of direct import to a historical reenactor of pre-1600 lifeways. 

Categories and number of entries: 

Competition shall be divided into three categories. Participants are barred from multiple entries, and may not switch categories. An individual’s residency and peerage status for purposes of category eligibility shall be solely determined by their status as of 2 July 2022. 

A) Laurels – East and Mid shall enter one entry each from precisely three (3) Members of their respective Orders of the Laurel.

B) Non-Laurels – East and Mid shall enter one entry each from precisely three (3) of their lawful subjects who are not members of the SCA Order of the Laurel (“Laurel”, “Laurels”).

C) Allies – East and Mid shall enter one entry each from precisely five (5) of the lawful subjects of their allies, which must have declared their ally status by 2 July 2022. Allied entrants shall participate in this category regardless of their status as a Laurel. 

Alternates – East and Mid may prepare to enter one entry each from precisely two (2) of their lawful subjects, and one (1) entry from a third (one additional) named alternate. The third alternate must be from a respective Allied Kingdom, and may only participate in the allied category. 

Neither Kingdom shall exceed a maximum of two (2) performance entries per side, for scheduling reasons. Performance is defined as any entry which requests any specific action or recitation to be judged. Incidental performance of skills related to entries during judging shall not define the entry as performance. 

As much as possible, timeslots will be assigned to attempt to reduce the # of hours of commitment needed for each judge and artisan

War Points:

Each category shall have a single victor, defined as possessing the most adjudicated points at the end of judging, and this victor shall be awarded a single War Point. 

In the case of a tie, the scores will re-adjucated by adding the lowest Judge’s score back into the average.

In summary:  Three (3) points, one (1) each for each category for a total of three (3) points. 


Written documentation is required, and may include verbal defense as well as video, graphic, pictorial, or other reasonable documentary formats. Entrants have the right to supplement their documentation between submission by the deadline and Pennsic A&S War Point, subject to other restrictions of this document. It is the sole responsibility of the entrant to provide and prepare their own documentation, as well as any equipment (such as a tablet or laptop) which may be necessary to display relevant documentation.

Documentation is considered an intrinsic portion of the entry, and documentation produced by a third party is expressly prohibited. Proofreading and editing assistance is acceptable. 

All documentation must be submitted no later than 2 July 2022.

Non-English language documentation is permitted but must be submitted by 2 July 2022 so that translators can be found. This includes both documentation fully in a language other than English, as well as any significant sections of untranslated text. It is encouraged that entrants provide their own translations, if possible.

Selection of Judges:

Middle and East will each provide two (2) judges from each side for each entry, with a minimum of twenty (20) judges each, ideally no judge should be scheduled to judge more than two (2) entries. AE will provide 8 judges.  These judges shall be selected based on appropriate overall knowledge of the Arts and Sciences; their ability to read, understand, and justly apply the appropriate scoring rubric, and they shall possess adequate subject matter expertise in the area of the entry for which they have been primarily assigned. 

A roster of judges shall be maintained by each General, and shall be made freely available following the judges’ selection deadline of 25 June 2022. Alterations to this roster must be reported to both Generals promptly.

Role of Judges:

Judges are to read the provided documentation prior to Pennsic as well as discuss with the entrant their entry and documentation during their assigned Judging session in order to provide a score based on the provided Rubric, free of undue influence or conflict of interest. Judges shall:

  • To the best of their ability, apply the correct rubric as written to their assigned entry.

  • Attend training (hosted jointly by East and Middle) which will be offered at least twice prior to Pennsic and Tuesday of War Week as an optional session as requested for last minute Evaluator substitutions.

  • Work constructively with entrants to determine the appropriate score.

  • Allow the entrant time and space for entrants to freely answer questions and provide additional information.

  • Maintain a professional demeanor when discussing the entrant’s body of work, research, and documentation.

  • Ask questions which allow the entrant the opportunity to display any missing or faulty aspects of their entry or documentation.

  • Give feedback to the entrant on ways they can improve or elevate their work.  

Replacing Judges:

Judges who withdraw prior to Pennsic should be replaced as soon as possible, and a replacement judge will be named by the corresponding general promptly.  The new judge shall be provided with all currently available materials, including available documentation.

Conflict of Interest between a Judge and Entrant is unacceptable. Both Judges and Entrants have a responsibility to discuss and to explain any potential conflicts, upon request, as well as to make the A&S War Point Staff or a General know of any conflict.

Examples of Conflicts of Interest include but are not limited to: current and former formal SCA student/teacher relationships, current or former cohabitation, current sexual or romantic relationships, current or former business relations, as well as any other powerful social ties which make just and fair scoring difficult, or create the appearance of partiality. 

By agreement of both Generals any judge may be removed for any reason or no reason and a replacement judge will be assigned, either new or from the existing pool of judges, to replace a judge who has withdrawn or been removed after the start of Pennsic War. 

By agreement of both Generals, any judge may be removed or replaced at any time.

East and Midrealm should each have a pool of at least three (3) alternate judges, and AE should have at least two (2) alternate judges.   

Judges Training:

East and Middle shall host required joint judges training at least twice prior to Pennsic and Tuesday of War Week as an optional session for last minute Judge substitutions.


Rubrics for Made Objects, Performance, and Research will be agreed upon by the East and Middle no later than 4 June 2022 to allow adequate time for Entrants to update their documentation before the Documentation deadline.

Judges training classes will be offered online by a joint effort of the Middle and East, all judges and alternates must attend at least one (1) class before judging the entrant.  


Each Judge shall submit their scores to the Generals’ Staff table for calculation as soon as possible after their judging session. Official calculations shall be performed by the Generals’ Staff. An unweighted average of scores, after striking the lowest score, will be utilized to calculate the entrant’s final score.


Staff Set up – 8-9am

Entrant Set – 9-9:30am

Judges and entrants meeting – 9:30-10am

Round 1 – 10-11am

Round 2 – 11:15am-12:15pm

Lunch – 12:15-1pm

Round 3 – 1-2pm

Round 4 – 2:15-3:15pm

Announcements – 3:30-4pm

Clean Up – 4-5pm