Cross of Calatrava for Pride

Marshallate FAQs

Most of these answers can be found in the Society/Calontir Marshals handbooks. The Earl Marshal strongly encourages anyone involved in SCA Combat Related Activities to read the entire handbook.

For convenience, here are some Frequently Asked Questions:

How do I become an Authorized Fighter?

First, contact your local Marshal to begin basic fighter training at your local fighter practice. Read and become familiar with the Rules of the List in the Marshals Handbook. Since ability varies from person to person, there is no set amount of time required in training before you may attempt your authorization. However, it is a good idea to get a fair amount of practice in first and be familiar with the safety rules and fighting conventions before making the attempt. It is usually a good idea to ask your local Marshal and/or local fighters if you are ready yet. They will be a good gauge of your skill/safety level. All fighters are required to Authorize with Weapon and Shield as their first Authorization.

When you are ready you will need to go through the authorization process at an event with a minimum of three Warranted Marshals (or Reserve Marshals). Two of these marshals need to be from outside your local group so that an unbiased assessment may be made. Ask your local marshal and/or read the handbook for more information.

Where do I send my Authorization form?

First, be sure to keep a copy for your records and also give a copy to your local group’s Knights Marshal. Copies of the form should be sent to the Deputy for Cards:

Honorable Lord Jawhar ibn Akmel el Ghazi
c/o Neal Tapp
424 South Duquesne Rd
Joplin Mo 64801

How do I transfer my Authorizations from another kingdom?

If you have recently relocated to Calontir and wish to get a Calontir fighter’s authorization card, please read the Transfer Authorization Procedure

What is an Authorized Marshal?

For mundane legal reasons, anyone who is within the boundaries of the list ropes or on the battlefield while combat is occurring must be authorized to do whatever they are doing on the field, whether that be fighting, scouting or marshalling. For that reason all marshals must go through an authorization process during which they demonstrate an ability and willingness to enforce the rules of SCA combat. Any one who is an authorized fighter may become an Authorized Marshal. You do not need to be a member of the Society, (Warranted Marshals must be SCA members)

Currently, this requires that the authorization be overseen by the Earl Marshal or one of the Deputy Earl Marshals of the kingdom. Read about the Marshal-In-Training (MIT) Authorization Procedure here.
MITs and Authorized Marshals are NOT required to send Quarterly Reports to the Earl Marshal.

*It is important to note that an Authorized Marshal can do inspections and help marshal fighting, but they cannot run Authorizations or be the Marshal in Charge of an event until they become warranted. Please refer to the Calontir Marshals Handbook for more information.

What is a Reserve Marshal?

The knowledge and experience of the members of the Order of Chivalry are a valuable resource to the fighters and marshallate of the kingdom, and as such, the Earl Marshal hereby warrants all members of the Order of Chivalry as Reserve Marshals.

Reserve Marshals are for all intents and purposes the same as Authorized Marshals (See above) but they may also help run Authorizations. However, the Marshal in Charge of the event will still need to sign off on all Authorization forms.

Reserve Marshals are not required to send Quarterly Reports to the Earl Marshal.

A Member of the Order of Chivalry may also wish to become a Warranted Group Marshal or Warranted Marshal of the Field if they desire to be the Marshal in Charge of an event.

What is a Group Knights Marshal?

The Group Knights Marshals, usually referred to as Knights Marshals, are the real workhorses of the Marshallate. They are the individuals with whom most people come in contact. Every group with martial activities must have a warranted Knights Marshal or a Knights Marshal-in-Training (Marshallate representative) who is responsible for all such activities within that group. The Knights Marshal is responsible for conducting local fighting practice, demonstrations of fighting, etc. The Knights Marshal should help in the finding of a site, training of fighters, enforcing armor and weapon standards and instructing the fighters in the fighting conventions of Calontir. The Knights Marshal must make every effort to ensure the safety of everyone participating or watching. The Knights Marshal is also responsible for keeping of records on all fighters of the local group.

The Knights Marshal must report Quarterly to the Earl Marshal.
Please refer to the Calontir Marshals Handbook for more information.

What is a Marshal of the Field?

Though not a requirement, Marshals of the Field are usually individuals who have previously served as Warranted Group Knights Marshals and are interested in continuing their work in the Marshallate after leaving local office. Most Marshals of the Field have considerable experience and are active in fighting throughout the kingdom.

Marshals of the Field report directly to the Earl Marshal on a Quarterly basis to become Warranted.

Please refer to the Calontir Marshals Handbook for more information.

How do I become a Warranted Marshal?

As with the warranting of any officer, warranted marshals must have the approval of their kingdom superior, the Earl Marshal. The process by which one becomes warranted is not short. This allows the Earl Marshal time to decide whether the individual should be warranted. The steps are as follows:

  1. Become a Member! You can not become an officer of the SCA if you are not a member. Should your membership lapse at sometime during your warrant, your warrant will expire. Contact the Earl Marshal when your membership is reinstated. Depending on the length of time your membership has lapsed, you may have to begin the entire warranting process all over. People who have lapsed for one (1) year or more must restart the process. Those whose membership has lapsed less than one year may have to restart the process at the discretion of the Earl Marshal.
  2. Become an Authorized Marshal! In order to be on the field in the capacity of marshal, you must be authorized as a marshal. This will require the passing of a marshal’s authorization. Currently, this requires that the authorization be overseen by the Earl Marshal or one of the Deputy Earl Marshals of the kingdom. Read about the MIT Authorization Procedure here.
  3. Report to the Earl Marshal for a Minimum of Two Quarters! Reporting might have to occur for more than two quarters if the activity level is low in the first two quarterly reports. This reporting allows the Earl Marshal to test your ability to fill out paperwork (a necessity in the Marshallate), to check on your willingness to do the things that must be done, and to check up on what activities you have participated in toward your training as a marshal. Everything that has been done to help prepare for becoming a marshal should be written down, as well as any comments or questions you might have concerning the Marshallate.
    The Earl Marshal is also requiring that all marshals wishing to be warranted complete an Agreement to Serve form (look on the “Documents” page of this site).
  4. Have the Approval of the Earl Marshal! If an individual meets the above three requirements, approval by the Earl Marshal is usually given. The Earl Marshal may, however, require additional time or material before reaching a decision. Currently, anyone satisfying the above requirements and of at least eighteen (18) years of age may become a warranted marshal. It is not necessary for a person to be a fighter before becoming a marshal, however, there are some insights that can only be gained by having gone through the fighting experience.

    *It is important to note that only a Warranted Marshal can be Marshal in Charge of an event and sign off on Authorizations. Please refer to the Calontir Marshals Handbook for more information.

What are the Reporting Requirements for a Marshal?

All Group Marshals and Marshals of the Field are required to submit Quarterly reports to the Kingdom Earl Marshal. Failure to do so will result is loss of Marshalling privileges. Group Marshals also need to submit a copy of their reports to their local Seneschal. If your group does not have a Marshal, the Seneschal must send Quarterly Reports to the Earl Marshal. All Group Marshals and Marshals of the Field also need to complete a Group Marshal or Marshal of the Field Agreement to Serve Form (available on this site).

All reports must be legible. Submission by email is fine and will get the quickest response.
Send a copy of the Calontir Group Marshals Status Report Form (available on this site) to the Deputy in Charge of Cards. Send a letter style report to the Earl Marshal.

Use the FALCON application to write your Report
Reports are Due:

1st Quarter – April 15th
2nd Quarter – July 15th
3rd Quarter – October 15th
4th Quarter – January 15th

Is there an online form for reporting?

Yes, Marshal Reports can be entered online here. Group marshals should still send the group list to the Deputy in Charge of Cards (

Can I send in Reports, etc., by email?

Use the FALCON application to send in reports.

Do we need to sign waivers at Fighter Practice?

Yes! Any fighters who do not have a waiver on file (SCA paid Member) will need to fill out a waiver at each fighter practice they attend. Please see the SCA Waivers page for more info.

Can a minor participate in SCA combat?

Yes. Please read the information regarding Minors and SCA Combat Related activities here.