Meadhbh inghean uí Shuibhne
Chancellor of the Exchequer
Deputy Exchequer
The exchequer serves as the group treasurer. The kingdom exchequer manages the kingdom’s finances and oversees the exchequers for each local group in the Kingdom of Calontir.
Welcome new Chancellors of the Exchequer!
When you first take this office, it can seem overwhelming. In order for you to hold the Chancellor of the Exchequer office, you must be a paid member of the SCA and be a warranted officer. Fill out the intent to serve form (online form), have it signed by the previous Chancellor of the Exchequer or the current Seneschal, and forward it to the Kingdom Treasurer. The Treasurer and the Crown must warrant you at the beginning of every reign and several times during the reign. Be sure to read through the handbook (PDF). This will help prepare you more than anything.
There are plenty of forms (see below) to make our jobs easier and there is a Google group for asking questions and receiving all sorts of information. The most important thing to remember is that you are not alone in this job. Both the Kingdom Treasurer and the regional deputies can help you in many capacities. Never be afraid to ask a question!
Quarterly Reports
Event Financial Reports
Domesday Report
The Seneschal must approve each report. Quarterly reports can be approved by e-mail. A group Seneschal may send an e-mail directly to the Regional Reporting Deputy to indicate his or her approval. Domesdays, however, must be approved by an actual signature on a hardcopy of the report.
Copies of the ledger and bank statements are required with the quarterly reports. Scanning these items into PDF, JPG, or GIF format and sending via e-mail is a great way to save on postage.
1st Qtr: April 15th
2nd Qtr: July 15th
3rd Qtr: October 15th
4th Qtr: January 15th
Domesday: January 31st
Group Seneschal
Regional Reporting Deputy
Keep a copy for yourself.
Exchequer Resources
Intro to being Exchequer
Exchequer’s Handbook
Exchequer F.A.Q.
Society Governing Documents (PDF)
Society Financial Policy (PDF)
Calontir Financial Policy (PDF)
Calontir Exchequer Agreement to Serve form
Kingdom Trailer Deputy Request for Warrant
Opening/Changing Bank Account
Introductory Letter to TRH
Calontir License Plates (MO)
Activity Forms
Cash Advance Form (PDF)
Deposit Form (PDF)
Deposit Form (.XLT)
Donation Form (PDF)
Reimbursement Group Form (PDF)
Reimbursement Group Form (.Doc)
Review of Books Form (PDF)
Calontir Transfer Form (PDF)
Society Transfer Form (PDF)
Bank Reconciliation and Register (.XLS)
Event Forms
Event Budget Proposal(.XLSX)
Event Financial Report(.XLS)
NMR Transfer Form – This form accompanies the check for the NMR after an event that is sent to the NMR Deputy. It is due within 10 days following the event.
Gate Forms
Please find Calontir’s Event Waiver Forms on the Kingdom Seneschal’s page. Exchequers will now only be responsible for the Gate Income and Reconciliation Sheet (found below).
Updated Gate Income and Reconciliation Sheet (PDF)
Updated Gate Income and Reconciliation Sheet (Excel)
Tax Exemption Letters
IRS Subsidiary Determination Letter (PDF)
Missouri Tax Letter (Updated 4-18-2018) (PDF)