Greetings Calontir from your Kingdom Earl Marshal!
With Gulf Wars behind us, and the beginning of the second half of my term, the time has come to for me to look towards taking a deputy or two.
If you are a Marshal (of any martiallate activity) and are interested in seeing how things work at a higher level, please feel free to put in a Letter of Intent! I will be taking letters for the next 30 days, and will set up interviews after the deadline.
The only requirement I have for this position is being a Warranted Marshal in any of the Martiallate styles and a willingness to learn! It is important to note thay there will be no expectations put on any Deputy KEM as far as future commitments, as this is an opportunity to learn the “behind the scenes” administration duties and maybe get a better idea of how things happen at that level.
For letters of intent, please include Name, Martial activities you participate in and length of time in the activity, and also why you are interested in the position. Letters should be sent to
In Service,
Meister Jurgen Weiter von Landstuhl