Cross of Calatrava for Pride

Exchequer FAQ

Here are some answers to some commonly asked questions. If you have a question that you think belongs on this page, please submit your question to the Kingdom Exchequer (

How do I find out who is my Regional Reporting Deputy?
Check out the officers page – you can e-mail the Regional for your state, as well as the NMS reporting deputy right from our site!

Why are payments to other SCA groups listed as transfers on our reports?
The IRS only has one Tax ID Number (TIN) for the SCA. This TIN is used for every single group. So, when we issue a check to another group, the IRS sees it as transferring money within an organization (since that is what we’re doing).

Where should I report website expenses?
Websites expenses should be listed under “Fees and Honoraria” on the Expense Detail Part 1. Please include the payee of the check and the service being used.

Where should I report site deposits?
If the site deposit is non-refundable, then it is recorded as an “Occupancy & Site Charge” on the Income Statement. If the site deposit is refundable, then it should be recorded as a “Receivable” on the Comparative Balance Worksheet.

Do I have to fill out an event report?
Yes! Please complete it within 30 days of your event and send it to your Regional Reporting Deputy.

Who may be comped at the gate of an event?
According to the Local Exchequer Handbook, “reduced-rate or free admissions should only be done in return for some service you are expecting.” For example, Royalty may be given free admission for the Court held at the event. Event stewards and feast stewards provide a specific service and they are allowed free admission. While many group members do provide services at an event, this does not mean that the group may grant free admission to the group for the event. Kitchen staff and servers may receive free feast (see appropriate F.A.Q.). Retinue may not be given free admission as the services provided are to the Crown, not the event. Many groups have kind benefactors who pay admission for a number of retinue to bypass this issue. Thank you to those unnamed individuals for their generosity!

Who may be comped for feast?
Feast is different from gate admission. Comped feasts are covered in the price of feast paid by those feasting. The cost of a feast seat not only covers your delicious meal, but it also contributes to the head table, the kitchen staff who prepared it, and the server who served you. This concept applies to Royal Lunches and Inns (see below).

Who pays for Royal Lunches?
Unfortunately, SCA, Inc. can not pay for lunches for Royalty. Royalty may be fed from an Inn since those purchasing food from the Inn contribute a bit to the lunch. It works like comped feasts. Otherwise, if specific meals are being prepared, a benefactor will need to donate the funds.

Where do I send the Non-Member Surcharge (NMS) payment for an event?
NMS payments should be sent to the NMS deputy. This information is located on the Non-Member Registration form located on the Exchequer page. Please do not send your payment to the Corporate office in Milpitas, CA. Only Kingdoms send payments to Milpitas and that is done quarterly.