Cross of Calatrava for Pride

Coronation Updates and Info

Calontir, your autocrat team of Lelia and Uji reaching out with some updates for Coronation!

1) The Group Chronicler's meeting is now a floating meeting due to Ann's schedule. It will meet 30 minutes after the Baronage meeting.
2) The RUSH Discussion is cancelled due to illness.
3) By request of His Highness and with approval by the Kingdom Steel Marshal, the Steel tourney is now a Mixed Style (C&T and Heavy Rapier) tourney. This was done because we have out of Kingdom guests coming, and as a member of the Order of Defense His Majesty Outlands has been known to compete in a tournament or two. If both combatants are C&T authorized, they will discuss and indicate to the marshal which style they will use for their bear pit bout. If one individual is Heavy Rapier only, that bout will be fought Heavy Rapier, no exceptions.
4) We are keeping an eye on the temperature for both tournaments, and will call them as necessary, per Her Highness who doesn't want us to actually die.
5) Their Highnesses have asked all Landed Baronages in attendance to sit evening court. We are unsure if the dais will have space for three sets of royalty and up to five baronages. If need be, we will use both the dais and the floor artistically; this is not a snub or slight, just a matter of space.
6) One of our visiting royals has an annoying allergy to Roses and a fatality level allergy to Coconut. Please be cautious with your scents, and avoid coconut oil entirely.
Information and Schedule:
Hello, Calontir! Here is additional information about Coronation!
Site: Sesostris Shrine. 1050 Saltillo Rd, Roca, NE 68430
Site is one level, so all indoor areas should be mobility accessible. Outside is mostly level, but less even, so some caution.
Site opens at 9 AM. Site closes after evening court. Pre-Reg ends 7/9 at 11 PM. Pre-Reg link in the first comment. Site fee: $30 for Nonmembers, $20 for Members; Under 19 is FREE!
Event Stewards: Saito Takauji (Me) and Lelia Corsini (Pam Cole)
Deputy Steward: Gyda Glora (Chris Gyða Stuart)
A&S Wranglers: Azalais and Bristol De Bruis
Blank Borders Competition: Mistress Aidan (Holly Cochran)
Tavern is donation. It will be meats, cheese, and bread, with a vegan soup option. Meats are currently planned to be chicken, ham, and brisket. Boiled eggs, sides, and drinks. We are also on the edge of Lincoln, with many lunch options nearby.
10:00 AM: Court
Court + 30 Minutes: Baronage Meeting; A&S Display (Butterfly in Any Medium); Blank Borders competition.
Court + 60 Minutes: Witan Meeting.
30 Minutes after Witan: Kingdom Chronicler's Meeting, hosted by Ann Wingert
Some Time After Court: Adalyde’s Rose Vigil and Ceremony in one of the meeting rooms.
12:30: Lists open for armored and steel tourneys.
1:00: Queen's Favor Armored tourney; Falcon's Wing Dancers (in the hall or vestibule, as decided by Duchess Catalina – December Montecino).
2:00: Queen's Favor Steel tourney; RUSH Discussion.
4:00: Court!
Both tournaments are bear pits followed by a finals for the top scorers. Armored combat run by Volkmar (Eric Doerr), steel combat run by Mkty Nakhthor.
A&S is a display, with a favorite chosen by the Queen.
Please let us know if there are other questions or concerns!
Your Autocrat Team,
Lelia and Uji