The following entrants have changes to their judges, but not their time or table assignments.
Gaius Flavius Auxilius
Helmut der Adler
Konall Bosull
Luna di Catarino Tofani
Mabilia Pals
Skallagrímr Bárðarson
Gaius Flavius Auxilius
Helmut der Adler
Konall Bosull
Luna di Catarino Tofani
Mabilia Pals
Skallagrímr Bárðarson
QPT Entrant Schedule v5
The following judges have changes to their schedule.
Andromir Vukovic
Cearr Mac Brendan
Charles VonStrausberg
Elynor of Glastonbury
Gwyneth Espicier
Isengrim Sleggja
Izza al Zarqa
Roise inghean ui Rhauidhrie
QPT Judging Schedule v5
Ysabel de la Oya
Arts & Sciences Master Scheduler
Arts & Sciences Master Scheduler