Cross of Calatrava for Pride

Queen’s Prize Entry Period Ends Soon

Greetings from your Arts and Science Master Scheduler
There are two more days left to enter Queens Prize! Entry forms are open until  11:59 pm on April 19th. 
We are always in need of Judges!  There is no award requirement to be a judge, just some knowledge of the subject matter.  
Entry Submission Form – Traditional Queen's Prize Entry 
Display Only Form
Judges Volunteer Form 
We look forward to seeing all our wonderful entrants and judges at Queens Prize.
If you have any questions please reach out to the Kingdom Minister of Arts and Sciences, HL Gianna Viviani, at or the Master Scheduler, HL Ysabel de la Oya, at 
Thank You
Ysabel de la Oya 
 Arts and Science Master Scheduler