Cross of Calatrava for Pride

Position Opening: Kingdom Advocate…

The Kingdom Advocates work as a team to address concerns, help bring about resolutions to disputes, and investigate reports of inappropriate behaviour. Our current Kingdom Advocates are Duke Tristram of Lindisfarne, Countess Conna ingen Ui Chearbhaill, and Mistress Halimah bint ‘al Abbas ‘al Tanji. They have done a fantastic job under uniquely trying circumstances. Due to a combination of plague and corporate restructuring, they have been in their roles for a greater than expected period of time, and would like to retire to their estates to enjoy a well deserved rest. We announced the newest member of the team, Lady Eawynn ingen Broccain, in court last night. We will need others as well. If you are interested in serving Calontir in this capacity, please submit your letter of intent to, and copy the advocates at Letters of intent are due by August 20th, 2022. If you have any questions about the office please let us know. Thank you.

In Service,