Cross of Calatrava for Pride

Virtual Court – Kingdom Law Change

Greetings Calontir!

We will be having the recent changes to Kingdom Law read in Court, this coming Thursday May 12th at 7:30pm.
This Court will be virtual, information on joining is below.
Thank you
Queen Magdalena and King Hirsch

Meeting number (access code): 2559 017 8785
Meeting password: YCmKABca345 (92652222 from phones and video systems)
TAP TO JOIN FROM A MOBILE DEVICE (ATTENDEES ONLY) +1-408-418-9388,,25590178785#92652222# tel:%2B1-408-418-9388,,*01*25590178785%2392652222%23*01* United States Toll Some mobile devices may ask attendees to enter a numeric password.
JOIN BY PHONE +1-408-418-9388 United States Toll
Global call-in numbers

Peace. Love. Calontir.