Cross of Calatrava for Pride

Google Meet access for Virtual Meetings

Greetings Calontir,

Once again, many of our groups are moving meetings and activities online due to the current omicron surge, so I would like to take this opportunity to remind all of our kingdom officers – and many local group officers – that the Google accounts that are provided by the kingdom include a wide range of online collaborative resources that are all part of Google Workspace (formerly G-Suite).
Among these resources is a premium level of access to Google Meet, which allows all of those officers to host meetings for up to 100 people at a time for 24 hours (the free version has a 1 hour limit), so if you need to figure out a way to hold your shire meeting, guild chat, or A&S gathering online, please be aware that this resource is readily available to you.
Also, if for some reason you find that you need access to a different video conferencing platform – for example Zoom – please do not hesitate to send me an email at, and we can try to find a way to get you access to that system.
Gawin Kappler

Calontir Webminister