Cross of Calatrava for Pride

From the King and Queen:

Stalwarts of Calontir,

Her Majesty and I want to thank you again for your stoic patience, and the steadfast care you have shown one another. Because of that patience and care we can now deliver some wonderful news.We are happy to announce that as of April 15th 2021 we may begin local meetings, once again, under the same conditions as set forth last fall. -Meeting must be held outdoors.-Participants must wear masks and keep a reasonable distance at all times.-All Federal, State, and local health guidelines must be followed. At this time, meetings will still not allow armed combat of any kind. However, all other meeting activities may resume if your local leaders feel it is wise to do so and they can meet requirements.If all goes well, with your continued help, adherence to the guidelines, and if infection rates continue to drop and vaccination rates continue to increase, we hope to make an announcement allowing armed combat at local meetings to begin in mid May. And saving the very best for last, through the continued diligence of our Lilies Committee and Steward Staff we are thrilled to announce that Lilies 2021 is being planned for September 15-19.To make all of this possible, it is imperative that we all continue to follow masking and distancing guidelines and all who physically can get vaccinated do so. There is still a lot of uncertainty in front of us all. Flexibility, patience and vigilance will still be the order of the day. If we continue with care and err on the side of caution, there is light at this end of the tunnel. We are thrilled that we will soon get to see you, if not your smiles, again soon.

Lucian and Tamar